What is GreenPoint Rated?
GreenPoint Rated is a program of Build It Green—a professional non-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote healthy, energy- and resource-efficient buildings in California.
Think of GreenPoint Rated as a report card for home construction. A GreenPoint Rated home is graded on five categories—Energy Efficiency, Resource Conservation, Indoor Air Quality, Water Conservation and Community. If the home meets minimum point requirements in each category, it earns the right to bear the GreenPoint Rated label. Because GreenPoint Rated homes are evaluated by certified raters, building professionals and homeowners can feel confident that the rating has integrity and value.
Who is behind GreenPoint Rated?
GreenPoint Rated was launched in 2005. It was developed by a diverse set of residential building stakeholders including production builders, contractors, architects and designers, multifamily home developers, state and local government leaders, utilities, regional and national building-science experts, suppliers, and green building advocates. The result is a credible and accessible program that has buy-in from a wide array of stakeholders (e.g. Homebuilders Association of Northern CA, California Energy Commission, all four investor owned utilities, etc.) and continues to evolve with an inclusive, transparent, stakeholder driven process.
Why should homebuyers use GreenPoint Rated?
GreenPoint Rated removes the guesswork from evaluating a home’s green features, allowing homebuyers to compare homes on a level playing field. The GreenPoint Rated label verifies that the home exceeds state energy code requirements and excels in health and environmental performance, giving the homebuyer assurance that he or she is getting a healthier, more environmentally responsible home
How does GreenPoint Rating help the building professional?
GreenPoint Rated rewards building professionals who design and build green homes by allowing them to brand their products with a recognizable, trustworthy seal of approval. GreenPoint Rated provides validation from a trusted, independent source to support marketing efforts as a green project. Participating in GreenPoint Rated helps builders meet growing consumer demand for green homes as well as outpace their competition.
What types of homes are eligible for GreenPoint Rated?
All types of homes in California are eligible for a rating, whether newly constructed, remodeled, single family, or multifamily. Because building a new home and remodeling an existing home are very different processes, GreenPoint Rated is divided into two systems: GreenPoint Rated New Home and GreenPoint Rated Existing Home.
What does the rating process involve?
The GreenPoint rating process is a non-invasive physical examination of building systems, structures, materials and components to assess energy and water efficiency, indoor air quality, resource efficiency of materials and construction methods, and construction quality. The rater verifies that proper procedures are being followed and compiles supporting documentation. The rating process is not intended to be technically exhaustive and should not be relied upon to identify potential construction defects.
What are the points based on?
The points in GreenPoint Rated correspond with benefit to the homeowner and the environment. Any eligible project that achieves the minimum total points and meets the category-specific point thresholds earns the right to bear the GreenPoint Rated label. Homes that exceed this minimum are rewarded by a higher grade.
You can read more here.
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